Sometimes an idea nags your noodle so much, you have to work it out before moving on to something else.
Thanks to one such idea, I’ve finished a first draft on a novella.
Yeah, it kind of surprised me too. I thought I was just sitting down to jot some points for a future story, and found myself 15,000 words later being quite content with what I’d created.
It’s called Revelation Game and will be released on September 17th. I’m not ready to drop a synopsis quite yet, but let’s say this was born out of a love for the recent anime Sword Art Online and the classic .(dot)Hack.
Because it’s a shorter work, it’ll be an Amazon exclusive and be priced at $0.99.
It’s exciting for me, because it’s written in first person in the active tense. I’ve only ever written a short story this way before, and it was interesting to stretch it to a longer work. I’m not sure if I’m sold enough on it to write a whole novel that way, but I enjoyed it for a change.
And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten Bleeding Worlds Three. In fact, my wife said to me just yesterday that she wants me to get moving so she can read it.
I’ll post more when I’ve ironed out a few more drafts and written an official blurb.
That’s it for today. I’m seriously thinking of what I can start posting on this site to make it fun and interesting. I don’t want to be one of those Indie Authors that has nothing but writing advice, especially when I feel like I’m still learning and improving myself.
Anywho, until I find that next fun topic, all the best.