Happy New Year! Looking Ahead to 2016

Well everyone, it is 2016. Happy New Year!

To those of you who have been around for a while, thanks very much for sticking with me. To those who are newer, welcome!

When the year changes, people feel compelled to make resolutions, personal promises to themselves they feel will improve their life.

I’ve never been one for resolutions. Perhaps because I’ve only ever kept one (the year Harbinger was published, I resolved to release a book that year). I fear the weight of expectation and the sting of failure.

So instead of resolutions, I prefer to make vague “Blueprints” for the year ahead. After all, blueprints can be altered–or tossed altogether if need be–so there’s little pressure of a “resolution.” I suppose that sounds wishy-washy, but having a loose plan is better than nothing.

So where is 2016 taking me? Here’s Three Rough Goals…

Publish Two Books

You read that correctly, TWO books. Naturally, one will be the final book of The Bleeding Worlds. The other is an idea that’s been germinating in my head for a while. I’ve been pushing it away, trying to stay focused on TBW, but I’ve jotted a few notes. My goal is Ragnarok releasing before Summer and the second book just before Christmas.

Grow my YouTube Channel

My YouTube channel has enjoyed more life this year than it has at any other time in its existence. My light novel reviews have been well received. My goal this year is to add Visual Novel gameplays as well as trying to incorporate my writing into the channel in some sort of regular feature.

Get My Collective Sh!t Together

The year 2015 was chaos. I never felt settled or in control. I spent most of the year tired, depressed, pessimistic, and overwhelmed. The new year needs to bring balance and order, especially if I intend to publish two books. This needs to be the year of routines–physically and emotionally. I need to purge the crap from my home, my life, and my mind. It won’t be easy, but it must happen. I have this sense that if it isn’t repaired soon, it will crush me.

Feng Shui says this will be a tough year for me. It’s the year of the monkey, and I’m a tiger. Monkeys and Tigers don’t get along. But typing this, I feel a sense of possibility and purpose. I have high hopes for 2016.

How about you? Any goals for the year? Feeling hopeful? Let me know in the comments.

All the best, and again, Happy New Year.