Revelation Game – Update & Cover

Hey everyone.

So my new novella, due out September 17th, has just returned to my hands from Beta/Edits. A little polishing needed, but not too shabby. I really did have fun with this and I’m looking forward to putting it out to the world and seeing how it does. It’s very different from The Bleeding Worlds, which has me both excited and very nervous.

Speaking of The Bleeding Worlds, now that this novella is nearly out of my system, I have started work on Book Three! It even has a title. Well, I suppose it could change, but it’s stayed strong and definite in my mind for a few months now. So, just to put it out there, book three of The Bleeding Worlds will be called Resonance. The current plan is to focus exclusively on it until release day. When will that be? Well, I’d love to give a definite date, and be able to stick to it, but I’m not sure right now. I’ll have to see how the writing goes. My hope is to have it out in the first few months of 2014. There will be far more updates as the writing progresses.

Finally, just to spice up this post, here’s the cover for my novella, Revelation Game.

Revelation Game Cover

I hope you’ll give it a chance when it releases on September 17th. For the foreseeable future, it will be an Amazon exclusive and only available in eBook format.

All the best,