
How Did Captain America Become the Most Pivotal Character in the Marvel Film Universe?

I’ve always been more of a Marvel fan. In terms of Comics, Batman was the only DC character whose monthly issues I purchased regularly. On the other hand, I had numerous Marvel titles including the heavies, X-Men & Spiderman. I never got into Captain America. To be honest, I always assumed he could never exist

How Did Captain America Become the Most Pivotal Character in the Marvel Film Universe? Read More »

Two Commercials That Evoke More Emotion Than Hollywood Films

I love movies. That said, most fail to make a considerable emotional impact outside of “That was cool!” So imagine my surprise when I see two ads from Thailand that make me feel all welly-in-the-eyes. The first has seen some considerable sharing on Facebook. The second I saw because someone posted it in the comments

Two Commercials That Evoke More Emotion Than Hollywood Films Read More »


So the excellent toy site Tomopop has some leaked images of toys from the new Transformers movie, Dark of the Moon. I’m liking the cloak vibe on, what I’m guessing is, Megatron. Not sure how I feel about him being some sort of tanker truck. Long-time fans of Transformers would know that Megatron has been

Megatron? Read More »